Cookies Policy

We use different types of cookies to run our Services, including some or all the types identified below.

Preference Cookies

Preferences cookies allow our Services to remember information, such your preferred language, that can be used to customize your experience on our Services. These cookies also can be used to provide you with information specific to your region, and may assist you in customizing our Services’ appearance. If these cookies are blocked or disabled, our Services may become less functional but should not be prevented from working.

Security Cookies

Security cookies are used to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials, and to protect user data from unauthorized access. If these cookies are blocked or disabled, our Services will not function properly.

Process Cookies

Process cookies help our Services deliver the functionality that you expect, such as by enabling you to access secure areas of our Services. If these cookies are blocked or disabled, our Services will not function properly.

Session State Cookies

These cookies allow our Services to collect information about how you interact with our Services, including which pages you visit most often and if certain pages send you error messages. These cookies help us improve our services. If these cookies are blocked or disabled, our Services may become less functional, but should not be prevented from working.

Analytics Cookies

Analytics cookies collect information about the usage of our Services. We use these cookies to improve our Services by, for example, learning about the pages people visit most frequently. If these cookies are blocked or disabled, our Services should not be prevented from working.